Foods That Boost Collagen

We hear so much about collagen (the youth protein) in skincare, that most people don’t know that one of the best ways to boost collagen production is through the foods we eat! Multiple studies have shown that topically applying collagen does nothing to maintain a youthful complexion. Collagen is composed of large molecule proteins and due to its size, makes it difficult to penetrate into the deeper skin layers. 

Topically applied collagen has been shown to be helpful in boosting hydration levels but it’s not the “miracle molecule” that companies falsely claim.

So, what is collagen and what does it do?

  • Strongest and most abundant protein in the body

  • Long protein fibers that give skin its strength and support tensile ability

  • Aids in skin cell repair and regeneration

  • Maintains healthy hydration levels

  • Provides volume and skin thickness

There are over 30 variations of collagen in the body with over 90% being type I. Type I can be found in skin, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, teeth, bones, and even in the valves of the heart.

Although skin contains an abundance of collagen in our youth, the supply decreases substantially as we age contributing to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Now for the good news, collagen production can be boosted in the body by consuming the right foods! It may not result in the same youthful skin you had at 20, but there are many dietary remedies to increase collagen and help your skin look and feel it’s best.

Amino acids are the building blocks of collagen, so it’s important to incorporate foods packed with vitamins and protein to boost and maintain skin thickness.


  1. Citrus Fruits - Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruit are great for skin health. Our fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen) need Vitamin C to convert amino acids into collagen so getting an adequate amount both topically and internally naturally improves skin texture. Added bonus, Vitamin C also helps with a myriad of other skin challenges from hyperpigmentation to acne.

  2. Fish - Omega fatty acids are critical to maintaining a healthy complexion. The skin cells are surrounded by a protective membrane that’s loaded with fat! Omega’s are essential in helping to maintain the health and permeability of our cells. Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, and Herring are exceptionally nutrient dense and provide a great supply of skin boosting Omegas!

  3. Avocados - You’ve likely seen avocado oil or extract in many topical skincare formulations but the benefits aren’t just skin deep. Although avocados have gotten a bad reputation for being high in fat, experts agree that it’s the healthy (monounsaturated fatty acids) kind of fat which is great for the skin! Avocados are rich in vitamins C & E, folate, and copper which increase collagen production. They’re also full of biotin which is well documented for its skin regenerative benefits.

  4. Garlic - For such a tiny little veggie, garlic is a powerhouse when it comes to skin health. The organic sulfur compound, Allicin, is one of many phytonutrients found in garlic.   It also contains many other anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties such as lipoic acid, taurine, and sulfur. Garlic helps to rebuild collagen fibers that have been damaged by free radicals and protects against future skin degradation. You can literally add garlic to almost any dish, so the next time you’re making a yummy meal, throw in an extra clove for your complexion!

  5. Cabbage - Although not the most glamorous in the veggie family, cabbage is one of the most well documented foods for boosting collagen production. Cabbage contains skin benefiting vitamins A, B, C and E, and phytonutrients like lutenin which fight free radical damage, the number one cause of skin aging. It’s also rich in amino acids which aid in skin tissue regeneration.

  6. Dark, Leafy Greens - Everyone knows that dark, leafy greens are phenomenal for our internal organs, but they’re equally good for our external organ, the skin! Filled with vitamins and minerals, leafy greens like spinach, collard greens, chard, and kale all have an exceptionally high-water content which helps to keep skin hydrated and smooth. When the skin is properly hydrated, elasticity improves making the skin more pliable and suppler.

  7. Red Vegetables - Red vegetables, in particular, are high in the antioxidant lycopene which is a natural photo-protectant and collagen booster. This precious collagen enhancer can be found in beets, peppers, and tomatoes, to name a few. They’re also packed with additional skin-friendly antioxidants which help combat inflammation and skin aging.

  8. Pumpkin Seeds - Pumpkin seeds are positively brimming with zinc; another important mineral that aids in collagen synthesis. Studies have shown that adequate intake of zinc may help decrease collagen degradation. Nuts and seeds are also a terrific source of lysine, an amino acid which is essential for collagen production.

  9. Orange Vegetables - Orange vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes are ultra-rich in vitamin A, which plays a large role in cell repair and renewal. They also improve skin elasticity, helping to naturally restore collagen, and increase blood flow to the skin's surface. It’s worth noting that orange fruits such as mangoes and apricots are great sources of beta-carotene, which the body easily converts to vitamin A.

  10. Eggs - Proteins or more specifically, amino acids, are essential for skin growth and repair. Eggs are an excellent source of lysine and proline, which are two of the most essential amino acids in collagen production. Eggs are also abundant in sulfur which can help increase collagen in joints and skin. Sulfur is also great for treating skin conditions such as dermatitis and dandruff.

To learn more, contact our San Francisco office and call us at 415.409.6500.